Well to let yuh know I like em better than nikes. I mean come on people let's upgrade. they are fire. I have two pairs myself. They aren't that expensive but they can be, if yuh understand what i mean. Im from Boston so nobody really rocks them. People rock jordans, nd dunks. But of course im a misfit and i choose to rock these. As i have been recently told, that supras r old news in Cali but they r new over in Boston. Yup. You may have seen them but you just may have never noticed them. They were in the corona an lime video, in i rock by Kevein rudolf, and also Chris Brown has a few pairs of them. So all I'm saying is get like me n get em. Nuff sed

ya supras been around for years now.. not sure where ur from. but peeps in cali and florida been up on them for a while now.. =]